The chilly weather in Reeds Spring means it’s time to book your annual furnace service. If your furnace is getting past its prime, it might be time to start thinking about a furnace replacement.

As is the case with any home improvement project, a new furnace is a considerable investment in your home. The pros at All Seasons Comfort Systems Inc can help you decide if it’s time for a furnace replacement or regular furnace service. We have some tips for you to ponder while deciding the future of your furnace.

Age of System

This will probably be the chief factor in deciding if it’s time for a repair or replacement. There have been a lot of improvement in furnace technology over the years, including an increase in efficiency and a decrease in noise. If your furnace has almost hit its teen years, it may be time to start looking for a new system. The experts at All Seasons Comfort Systems Inc can assist you in determining if it’s the appropriate time for a replacement.

Cost Comparison

Purchasing a new furnace is an expenditure a homeowner doesn’t want to make until needed. That’s why comparing the amount you’ll spend frequently repairing your furnace against the cost of a replacement is a vital part of the decision-making process. When you initially compare the two we have a few things to keep in mind.

Furnace service

  • Make note of when your warranty expires and note what it covers so you’re always saving everything you can.

Furnace replacement

  • When considering what size your new furnace needs to be it’s a good idea to call in the professionals. A technician will determine a load calculation by taking into account your home size and various other factors such as home design, insulation and the typical routine of people living inside the home.

  • The energy efficiency level of the system will factor into the price of a replacement.

  • Furnaces with higher AFUE ratings will lead to increased energy savings down the road.

After you’ve researched the costs to continually repair your system or to replace it, there’s a simple rule to use as a guide. If your repair cost is 1/3 the price of a replacement or if your furnace is older, the practical option may be a replacement.

Our team in Reeds Spring is here to help you wherever you are along the decision-making process. Whether you need a repair or some help in finding the ideal replacement, give the pros at All Seasons Comfort Systems Inc a call at 417-739-4606 or set up an appointment with us using our online scheduler.