Not only does your home’s energy efficiency give you an indication about how efficiently your heating and cooling system is working, but it gives you a way to save more money. Improving your home’s energy efficiency doesn’t have to be a giant, costly project. There are several simple ways to do it: replacing your furnace filters when they’re dirty, using a programmable thermostat and keeping lights and electronics off when you don’t need them.

The efficiency of your HVAC system can be a game-changer when it comes to saving money on energy. The harsher winter and summer months in Reeds Spring mean your HVAC system will be working overtime, so now is the time to ensure it’s operating efficiently. Your wallet will thank you.

If your air filters are dusty, it’s more difficult for air to pass through them. This makes your heating and cooling system work harder than it needs to, and you lose energy efficiency. Not only that, but this additional work can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your system that could mean you have to replace it before you’d have to. Plus, clean filters ensure more comfortable, clean air in your home.

When evaluating the energy efficiency of your heating and cooling system, you need to take into account its age. In general, newer systems are considerably more efficient. Be sure to take that in consideration when you need to make repairs to an older system. The normal lifespan of an HVAC system is 12 to 15 years. So, if your system is getting up there, think through the cost of repair with the cost of a new system, factoring in possible energy rebates and the cost savings you’ll see on your monthly bills.

Here are some other steps to make your home more energy efficient:

  • Make sure your home is insulated well.

  • Be on the lookout for air leaks around your doors and windows and seal them and/or add weatherstripping.

  • Keep your kitchen and laundry appliances clean, especially where they have ventilation.

Making your home more energy efficient can be easy, especially when our team at All Seasons Comfort Systems Inc in Reeds Spring can help you. Regardless if you’re looking for ideas to keep your current system running more efficiently or you’re wanting to replace it, call us at 417-739-4606 or make an appointment online. We’re always here to help!