
How you program your thermostat settings is based on your family’s schedule and your temperature preferences. You may not realize you can use your thermostat to save money, just ask your technician about it at your regular furnace service appointment. He or she will have some great ideas for you. Here are a few to kick-start your energy savings now.

  • We’ve told you many times that you can save money by decreasing the temperature on your thermostat by a few degrees. Just make sure not to set it too low, where you’ll use more energy to get your home back to a comfortable temperature. The ideal way to save money is to set your thermostat back 10 – 15 degrees for 8 hours. This habit can save you between 5 and 15 percent on your heating bills annually, according to Energy.gov.

  • Don’t set your thermostat too low or turn your furnace off to save money. You’ll likely end up paying a lot more money if your pipes freeze. A burst pipe could cause considerable water damage, and who wants that?

  • Another snag with adjusting your thermostat too low is condensation. Condensation can destroy wood and electronics in your home. Your furnace technician can identify areas in your home where you should inspect for condensation so you can tweak your temperature if you see it.

Home comfort is imperative, especially in the middle of winter. You will be able to stay comfortable and save some money at the same time. Speak to your All Seasons Comfort Systems Inc furnace service technician about more ways to do this. Or, simply call us at 417-739-4606 or visit us online to set up an appointment.